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  • AFRL Guardian software team reports busy year

    ROME, N.Y. (AFRL) -- When disaster strikes in the world, chaos can ensue, but Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, scientists are working on software applications that provide clear situational awareness to help response teams bring calm to the chaos. Guardian is one software application

  • ACC works to maintain air superiority

    Among a wide range of responsibilities, Maj. Gen. Scott Jobe, director of Air Combat Command’s plans, programs and requirements directorate, oversees the identification of necessary CAF requirements that keeps the warfighter relevant in a high-end fight. As the Department of Defense and the U.S. Air

  • Command Post functions as information hub, facilitates mission execution

    On an Air National Guard Base such as Barnes, it is vital for the success of the mission for everyone to work cohesively: from the different teams, flights and squadrons, all the way up to the groups and wing. Command post plays a key role in ensuring that the wing operates smoothly, functioning as