Hazardous Material Training For Fatality Search and Rescue Unit provided by Westfield Fire Department to 104th Fighter Wing at Barnes Air National Guard Base

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Westfield Fire Department will provide training to the 104th Fighter Wing's Service Squadron for handling of hazardous material, on Wednesday Aug 27, 2008 from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The Hazardous Material Training is in preparation for a new Homeland Defense Mission within the Air National Guard. 

As part of the future mission, the 104th Services Squadron will work with Federal and State Emergency Management organizations to facilitate fatality search and recovery. This training is part of the technical preparation for this public service. While engaging in this very sensitive mission, members of the team will need to be able to properly identify and handle hazardous material without compromising their own safety or the safety of the casualties they are working to recover. 

The Fatality Search and Rescue mission is tied directly to the Homeland Defense mission and will allow the members of Barnes to contribute to the states strategic preparation in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. 

On Wednesday, the team will work with the Westfield Fire Department's hazardous material team to receive hands-on training that will complement the 40 hours of classroom instruction that they have received over the week. 

"This training helps prepare us to provide short notice assistance to state and federal agencies," said Master Sgt. Ron Perry, a Service Technician from Barnes. 
"We hope to never use what we are trained to do, but realize there is a large value in being prepared." 

The men and women from the 104th Fighter Wing at Barnes who are being trained comprise one of just three Guard units throughout the country who are underway with this certification training.

Members of the media are invited to attend the training from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. at Building 3 at Barnes Air National Guard base in Westfield, MA. Please make arrangements with Capt Matthew Mutti, at (413) 568-9151 x 1800 to make arrangements to attend. 

Contact: Captain Matthew Mutti
Executive Officer
413-568-9151, x1800