104th Fighter Wing Student Flight takes on Landscaping Community Service Project Published Aug. 2, 2009 By 020809 BARNES AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Massachusetts -- 35 Air National Guard members of the 104th Fighter Wing's student flight program will take part in a community service project to landscape the property at South Middle School (30 W. Silver St. Westfield, Mass.) on Sunday Aug. 2, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to noon. The student flight is comprised of the newest members of the 104th Fighter Wing who complete a six-month rotating curriculum which indoctrinates and familiarizes them with the military while preparing them for basic training. The Student Flight was looking for a way to get involved in the community and has begun an initiative where they will complete a new community service project every three months. Master Sgt. Douglas Daponde, the programs coordinator said, "This is a way for the students to give back to the community and also a way for the community to understand and recognize what the 104th Fighter Wing is about." #30# Members of the media are welcome to cover this event. Please coordinate with Staff Sgt. Rosanne M. Frieri at (413) 568-9151 x 1263 to make arrangements.