Certified Babysitters Published Aug. 22, 2008 By Sandy Wakefield, Family Support 104FW BARNES AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Massachusetts -- The Wing Family Program Office coordinated an American Red Cross Babysitter Training Course on Wednesday, August 13, 2008. The course teaches children ages 11-16 topics ranging from being a good leader and role model to handling injuries, illnesses and accidents. Children also learn the basics of child are and first aide that they will be able to use in an emergency. "We learned basically everything from CPR on babies and toddlers to how to change diapers," said Nice Wujciak, the only boy who attended the program. The eight hour class attracted 10 children from the 104th and each child received an official certificate from the Red Cross stating that they were a Red Cross Certified Babysitter. This is the beginning of a good resume for parents to look for when they are interviewing potential babysitters for their children. "The Children seemed to enjoy the day and learned a lot of valuable information" said Sandy Wakefield, Family Program Coordinator. They all walked away with self-made toys for babies and backpacks filled with information on babysitting. The Family Readiness Group provided lunch for the children and Pat Connors Chairperson for the group was there through out the day lending a helping hand wherever needed.