Airman Spotlight : Senior Airman John Bermudez Published May 2, 2009 By Ms. Caresse Parenteau, Southwick Tolland Regional High School Intern 104 Fighter Wing BARNES AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Massachusetts -- Recently, I was given the opportunity to take a behind the scenes look and learn all the secrets within the Traffic Management Flight Workplace at the 104th Fighter Wing. A "transportation packer" has many responsibilities such as sorting through packages or letters containing classified information and giving them primary task levels such as TP1. There are three primary task levels; TP1 means the package needs to be sent out the same day it was received, TP2 and TP3 allow for more time. Safety is of the utmost importance so members receive safety training by watching videos on how to properly use their equipment and are required to utilize safety items such as goggles and gloves. SrA John Bermudez has spent 3 years in the unit. He joined, in 2005, while still in high school and attended basic training during the summer of 2006. Life Support was his first career choice but his experience with machinery persuaded him to choose transport packer. SrA Bermudez has lived in Westfield all of his life, and when first looking for a career had said, "I want a career in a field where I already have some experience...I love every day of it." He's attended Holyoke Community College for two years and plans to return for his major in criminal justice. SrA Bermudez has set many goals for himself while here at the 104th Fighter Wing. His first goal was to create a system for the organization for the warehouse, and during my visit, it seemed his work paid-off. Future goals of his are to rebuild the Composite Tool Kit by adding foam inside to hold all the tools in place. The added benefit of this will be to help keep track of the items. For military goals, his dream is to become a Chief Master Sergeant someday, and I wish him the best of luck. The Cargo Movement Operation System is used to rate the items, record the number of packages, as well as the size and weight of those packages. All packages going to the same location are placed into a larger container and shipped together. I was able to observe Airman Bermudez use all of the equipment in the section, such as the chop-saw and a giant packing peanut tube. Packages are always coming and going and they can range from high priority airplane parts to low priority bolts and letters. Certain packages must be handled by the supervisor and some tasks require teamwork because of the size of the package. SrA Bermudez says, "It's one big family here and we all rely on each other." He is very proud to be part of the 104th Fighter Wing family.