Family Readiness Group news Published June 3, 2012 By Master Sgt. Tina Dimino-Frazer / Mrs. Beth St. Clair, Family Readiness Group 104th Fighter Wing Barnes Air National Guard Base, 104th Fighter Wing - Westfield, Mass -- May 10th was the semi-annual Pasta Night at Barnes. The dinner was hosted & sponsored by your Family Readiness Group. Over 300 people enjoyed the dinner and lively conversation as old and new friendships were celebrated. Thanks to the Family Readiness Group members and volunteers for the shopping, chopping and their cooking talents, we enjoyed a tasty night of Pasta, Salad Bar, and Garlic Bread. The USO provided delicious desserts and beverages, and Westfield Friendly's provided ice cream. Thanks to the Military members and volunteers for serving, prepping and clean-up, and to Barnes Dining Facility personnel for their assistance. During the event, we were also able to provide an opportunity for families to connect with their loved ones overseas. Senior Master Sgt. Rob Sabonis compiled a slideshow of photos from overseas, as well as worked with Airman RyAnn Parker to produce a video telegram for the members overseas. Family members were able to enjoy seeing deployed loved ones photos and sending a personnal hello. In addition, their was a card-making station, where children created 60 cards that were mailed out to the deployed members. We also want to thank those who donated items for the FUN Raising: Col. Brooks N.C.O. Club Valley Marketing Big E Supermarket Patricia Connors It was very nice to have members of the Wing/State leadership team in attendance with their families...demonstrating their commitment to the FRG. Thank you Maj. Gen. Scott Rice and his wife Nancy, Col James Keefe and his wife Yvonne, Col Gwosch and his wife, Donna, Command CMSgt Todd Fappiano and his wife, Sheryl with their family for attending the event. We will be scheduling a Fall Pasta night later this year. We also want to recognize Ms. Cindy Patnode, she was recently awarded the State Volunteer of the Year award at the State-Volunteer Conference. Cindy was recognized for her years of service and dedication to the members of the 104th Fighter wing..Congratulations, well-deserved. Here's a list of upcoming FRG events - All are Welcome!: *8 June - Cookout for Deployed Member's Families at the NCO Club, begins at 5:30pm *11 July - FRG Meeting, 5pm at NCO Club *5 Sept - FRG Meeting, 5pm at NCO Club Interested in helping out? We welcome all volunteers! FMI contact any of the Board Members Thank you., The FRG Members