BARNES AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Mass. -- Chaplains are approachable and give you their time in everyday situations and continue to provide during difficult times. Air Force Chaplain (Lt.) Tra'Vorus Weaver serves as a chaplain for the 104th Fighter Wing and provides counsel to Airmen of all ranks.
"Courage is moving forward in the midst of fear," said Weaver. "Chaplains are not exempt from fear or worry, but I told my family, courage is moving forward in faith."
Weaver is currently supporting the people of Massachusetts during the response efforts to COVID-19. He is currently providing spiritual support at a local veteran's home.
I"get to hear all the stories, encourage troops, pray for the dying, counsel, and talk to people," said Weaver. "The hard part is I limit my exposure—which is very important—but I usually would stay longer."
Weaver said he is there to help in any way someone needs.
"Part of what I am doing is providing advisement to those in leadership," he said. "We are putting together requests by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. Chapel service and worship band are some of the things the troops and I are helping to put together."
The team is creative in delivering the message while also maintaining social distancing.
"We are broadcasting to those that can't go to the service," said Weaver. "Everyone in the building can tune into the broadcast."
Weaver grew up in an Air Force home and made the decision to join the 104th fighter wing two years ago.
"My mom served as an Air Force medic for 20 years," said Weaver. "I liked the travel and the good life we had."
Among his memories of a good Air Force life, he remembers receiving help from a chaplain who took the time for him.
"I was going through a rough time as a teenager," said Weaver. "I lived in a fatherless home. I reached out to a chaplain at the time as a teenager. He got me out of a difficult situation in such a pivotal time in my life. He took the time to guide me through with the beautiful conversation."
Weaver became a licensed minister at age 17, studied seminary, and began church planting and pastoring when he was 28.
"I sort of had the idea of joining the military in my back pocket, said Weaver. "When the age restriction approached, I took the leap of faith and joined."
Outside of his work with the 104th, Weaver works for the Department of Corrections as a Chaplain and is a pastor of a small church in Worcester, Mass.
"I am honored God brought me to the 104th Fighter Wing, and God will see us through," said Weaver.