Chiefs Column Published Sept. 13, 2008 By Chief Master Sgt. Al Reale, Command Chief Master Sgt. 104FW BARNES AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Massachusetts -- One of our goals this year is "Taking care of Airman and their Families." How can you help the wing achieve that goal? Be a good wingman. Our mission is to "fly, fight and win." The mission comes first, but without people, the mission will fail. Good leaders must balance mission requirements with the needs of the people. Taking care of people means making sure that they are well trained, well equipped and treated equitably. It means that you need to hold them accountable for their actions...and be accountable for your own. That you have an honest dialogue with them regarding what is required and expected and how they measure up to those expectations. If they don't perform well, tell them, be specific, review your expectations and move on. If they do perform well reward them. We all need to be valued and to value others. Awards, decorations and even a simple, heart felt "thank you" go a long way in relaying the fact that you value you them and their abilities. From Airman Basic to General, you influence people around you. If you are in the Air Force then you are a wingman and a leader. "Taking care of Airman" is nothing more than caring. Take the time to care. Be the supervisor you want your supervisor to be. Lead as you would like to be lead. I want to thank you and your family for your service and sacrifice. Please let me know your ideas about improving the way we take care of each other and our families. I can be reached at or 413-568-9151 x1343. "Mission first, people always."