Thunderbirds Approach Published March 13, 2010 By Senior Airman Matthew Benedetti, Public Affairs 104th Fighter Wing Barnes Air National Guard Base, 104 Fighter Wing - Westfield, Mass -- A meeting was held on 18 Feb here at the 104th Fighter Wing to plan and discuss the upcoming air show on 21 & 22 August 2010. The Thunderbird #8 - advance pilot, Major Tony Muthare, was in attendance as well as several members of the 104th command staff. Representatives from the Federal Aviation Administration attended and are a key component of the planning process. Logistics, security and lodging were a few items covered during the meeting. Lt. Col. Ken Fedora, the air show coordinator, is pleased with the progress being made thus far. "We have hosted the air show for many years, and the Thunderbirds are comfortable working at the 104th. I think we made a good impression," he said.