Chief Master Sergeant Michael Gardner is the Command Chief of the 104th Fighter Wing, Barnes Air National Guard Base, Mass. He is the principal enlisted advisor to the Wing commander on the effective utilization, professional development, training, readiness, and welfare of the wing’s force and families.
CMSgt Gardner began his service to the Air national Guard in 2002. He is 39 years old and a native of Spencer, MA. Chief Gardner has held decisive leadership positions at the team, flight, squadron, and group levels. He has numerous combat deployments in support of Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and FREEDOMS SENTINEL and has been activated on multiple domestic deployments serving the citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the National Capitol Region.
Prior to assuming his current position, Chief Gardner served as the Senior Enlisted Leader, 104th Mission Support Group.
2005 Airman Leadership School, Barnes ANGB, MA
2012 Noncommissioned Officer Academy, McGhee Tyson AFB, TN
2015 Associates in Applied Science Degree, Criminal Justice, Community College of the Air Force, Maxwell-Gunter AFB, AL
2015 Antiterrorism Officer Level II, Westover ARB, Chicopee, MA
2016 Evasion and Conduct After Capture Course, Lackland AFB, TX
2016 Fly Away Security Teams Course, Lackland AFB, TX
2017 Senior Enlisted Joint PME, Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar
2017 DOD Mission Assurance Assessment Program, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar
2018 Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL
2019 Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, Worcester State University, Worcester MA
2021 Security Forces Advanced Course, Lackland AFB, TX
2021 Chief Master Sergeant Leadership Course, Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, AL
2022 Air National Guard Chief Master Sergeant Orientation Course, Andrews AFB, MD
2022 Master of Business Administration, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Major Awards and Decorations
Meritorious Service Medal (three oak leaf clusters)
Air Force Commendation Medal (one oak leaf cluster)
Army Commendation Medal
Massachusetts Service Medal (one device)
DCNG Emergency Service Ribbon
Meritorious Unit Award (two oak leaf clusters)
Effective Dates of Promotion
Airman First Class August 1, 2003
Senior Airman December 27, 2004
Staff Sergeant January 16, 2007
Technical Sergeant August 23, 2012
Master Sergeant June 30, 2015
Senior Master Sergeant March 17, 2020
Chief Master Sergeant April 20, 2022